Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why Tarheelsuperman?

I've been using tarheelsuperman for quite a while now as an online nickname so to speak. Usually when I give out my tarheelsuperman email address to someone they don't say anything but there is this akward pause like where the heck did that come from. Occasionally someone will actually ask me the origin. So to clarify for anyone who even cares...tarheelsuperman was thought up out of a need to create a user nick for an online game that a bunch of guys from church started playing after everyone's kids went to bed one night a week. That's when it started probably 5 years ago. What made me think to use it is actually a combo of things.

1. My last name is Steelman....Superman was the man of Steel.
2. I was born and raised and lived all my life in the great state of North Carolina, the Tarheel State.
3. My favorite college team growing up and to this day is the North Carolin Tarheels.

So there you go you put those things together swizzle your wordage and bam, Tarheelsuperman.

There's no hidden superhero complex behind the nickname. I'm quite the opposite of extraordinary when it comes to life. By day I'm a mild mannered employee of a financial company, father of 3 boys, and husband to the most loving, sweetest, caring, and wonderful woman heavenly father has put on this earth. By night I spend my time being a father, a husband and a provider. But after the kids go to sleep... everything changes, faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locamotive, look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's...who am i kidding. After kids go to bed my wife and I are so exhausted we end up watching tv, playing video games and surfing cyberspace. Thats as exciting as it gets folks.

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